Page 2 Discussion |
Andy / July 17, 2005Adding panels |
To add a panel you need to click somewhere in the background rectangle. If the layout is already full, you might have to move other boxes before click-dragging a new panel.
Eileen2000 / July 15, 2005RE: Fill Me With Decay |
Oh, and you're welcome.
hee hee.
I am responsible for several of the morose corpse images AND the butterfly (or maybe that was the "other" eileen...)
Eileen2000 / July 15, 2005Technical question |
Um... perhaps the subject line should have said "dumb technical question". If it is, please forgive.
How do we add a "frame" (empty gray box) if we don't want to delete or replace something already there. Or is that not an option? eileen
Andy / July 11, 2005Fill Me With Decay |
Many thanks to you all for sending these images of deranged juvenile rabbit killers, dead babies, and skulls.
I have a hard time keeping my head filled with that morose corpse imagery otherwise.
Actually, to be fair one person did draw a happy butterfly.
And I am kidding. Send whatever moves you.
Andy / July 11, 2005Junk buster |
I'm working, as Eileen has suggested, to maintain cohesiveness and to move the project forward. This, as I see it, is how any maintainer of an open source software project (a professed model for this experiment) proceeds. There has to be something interesting on the table before people are going to invest time and energy as collaborators. I've tried to make it fairly simple, and not time-consuming, for people to contribute; but at the same time, I'm open to people getting actively involved in developing the concept. At the moment I'm working on an image that's related to the soldier peering out of the window/hole in his darkened tank, presumably in Iraq. As political cartooning goes, I would like to keep this rather abstract. The arrival of images like the kids who have been bow-hunting rabbits probably contributes to this because it has a somewhat random, surrealist quality. I'm struggling, as Nick said, to find the glue from page to page. as you can see from the sketches for page two, I am trying to bring back the gate-figure and refer to the question "what is on the other side?".
Eileen2000 / July 10, 2005Graphic elements |
I like being able to contribute graphic elements. I think there is more chance for something exciting and unintended to happen if the graphics are not a finite thing at the beginning.
Judging from the first panel, Andy is responding to the graphics and words with a finished panel based on what he chose to keep and work with. Is this a correct assumption?
If so, it makes sense to me in that it gives more cohesiveness to the project and could actually result in something which is aesthetically interesting in addition to just being interesting as a collaborative experience.
Most collaborative experiences I have been involved in have been interesting but resulted in visual "junk" because there is no editing and no primary voice or vision.
Nick / July 10, 2005Ruminations |
It seems to me you have a situation where you don't know if the pictures are driving the plot or the plot is driving the pictures.
Maybe it's too fast a solution but wouldn't you get something interesting and real easy to manage if you opened a library of graphic elements and let people take turns adding a panel at the end of an ever lengthening sequence - they'd make use of the shared elements however they see fit including contribute to the pool?
Or if you want more structure, maybe determine a plot line and once finished then assign the next panel worth of plot to the next artist in the que giving them some sort of deadline so ideally you be able to see the prior panel before turning in yours.
Goof around with printed layout as the last step, you could even let the user determine it and perhaps make an app to tile it into larger
pages if they want wallpaper.