New York (ACD) - American Civil Liberties Unionists interviewed on WBAI's "Asian Pacific Forum" commented today (6/30/99) on juvenile crime bills that are moving through federal and Californian state legislative processes. There are many changes in the status of children, and some really obnoxious provisions that make 14-year-olds liable to be tried as adults. They criticized the California legislation's duplicitousness, describing legislators who are spineless pawns of the media. Know any kids in Junior High School? It might be a good time to encourage them to mobilize. They should be manifesting against state and federal laws that are emerging in response to the Columbine incident, and demanding that some of their provisions be dropped.


New York (ACD) - The House of Representatives passed (6/17/99) legislation requiring content filtration of Internet information entering Department of Education supported networks, as of November, 1999, no action has yet been taken by the Senate. The lack of definitions, and fundamentally erroneous idea that credible experts are monitoring the entire Internet should be questioned by every thinking person. [More]
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