Local flavor?
The letter sent to the New York 1 web response form:
After sending a message to the New York 1 web site explaining
that their poll about New York police chief Howard Safir was biased
I received a perplexing reply:
Dear Boston Feedbacker,
As the local channel for America Online we hope to reflect the
ideas and activities of our community, and your feedback is helping
us to continue to be the best place to go for all of Boston's news,
views, and info. I have forwarded your message to our editorial
staff, who will review your suggestion. As always, thank you for
helping us make Digital City - Where You Live - Online!
Office Manager
Digital City Boston
But this suggested that I was a resident of Boston, and it went
on to claim that "at America Online we hope to reflect the ideas
and activities of our community."
Subject: Boston?
Your reply is absurd. I am writing to you from an NYU.edu email
address. I was using a New York web site (ny1.com) and my locality
was identified as "New York." Further, the message I sent was about
Howard Safir, the police chief of New York City. Your warm fuzzy
rhetoric about community in Boston is a sham and you know it.
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999
Dear andy.deck@nyu.edu:
Forwarded Message From:
Topic: DCI About Us
Member Name: Andy Deck
Member Email: andy.deck@nyu.edu
City: New York
Your web poll on Howard Safir has no statistical validity and this
should be acknowledged. The reason, as I see it, is that the
internet is used disproportionately by upwardly mobile whites --
exactly the people who would tend to support Safir.