/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Vote Green Webring /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Why We Must Act
  Melting icecaps, global warming: time to act.
Passaic County Greens
  Website containing Green news, Calendar, Resources, and information for Greens and Green-minded thinkers (New Jersey)
Green Party - Calgary East
  Green Party - Canada, Alberta, Calgary East Riding. Dean Christie 2004
OEPS! Jong Groen! Studenten Antwerpen (Dutch language)
  Website of the campus Greens at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. With calendar, standpoints and links. (All information in Dutch)
University of Calgary Campus Greens
  We are the longest running campus group in Canada having been in operation since 2000.
Ken Brucker's site
  Site promoting the candidacy of Ken Brucker for the Green Party County Council of San Diego.
Talking About Green
  Living green and clean starts with you and your family inculcating some simple habits.
Campus Green Party at UCSB
  Campus Green Party at UCSB, linked to local activists sites for the Santa Barbara area.
Metro Detroit Green Party
  The web site of the Metro Detroit Green Party, serving the tri-county region of southeastern Michigan.
Cumberland County Green Independent Party
  Information about the Cumberland County Green Independent Party of Maine.

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