/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Vote Green Webring /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
DuPage County Green Party
  The DuPage County local of the Illinois Green Party.
  The mission of ISwitched.org is to transform the relationship between the Green Party and the rest of the progressive community by sharing our stories, as Green Party activists, of why we switched, & what we are doing today in our daily lives as activists
Green Parties Worldwide
  A global index of Green Party Web sites. Find your local Greens, anywhere.
Chatham-Kent Essex Greens
  The place where people, whose values are grounded in the real world, can become politically active, and help towards a real, positive change. Visit the Greenspace and say HI!
Why We Must Act
  Melting icecaps, global warming: time to act.
Grass Roots To Green Shoots
  Socio-Political Commentary and Analysis
OEPS! Jong Groen! Studenten Antwerpen (Dutch language)
  Website of the campus Greens at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. With calendar, standpoints and links. (All information in Dutch)
Mothers' Alert
  Mothers' Alert is dedicated to providing: information on the links between increased radiation in the environment and health, opportunities for action on the most pressing environmental threats, information on the technology and science of alt. energy.
Hawkins for Congress
  Howie Hawkins, Peace and Justice candidate for Congress.
University of Calgary Campus Greens
  We are the longest running campus group in Canada having been in operation since 2000.

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