The following adheres to the AndYmaN Credit Encryption Transfer Protocol (ACETP). There are many perusers who can decipher its significance, but it's not interpretable by any browser. In fact, AI prophet Marvin Minsky won't crack this fucker, nor will Marvin, jr. or 7 times 777 Marvin juniors, because any sufficiently intrusive inquisition wouldn't be "intelligent."
AquaNan LevitatingArtMath HipBipJavaMan-(carbon dated @ 2.7x104 µyears) WhiteHare
MOSOP Catfish-NotTheLoveChildOfBillGates MonsieurSatanopoulous BadassFeministBitch
Wise1 Sarah@Sarah hame|W MoneyLaunderingPotMerchant Gerard"FishCheeks"Satoni
DifficultBoy RectorMG-TelevangelistDuBadBook MugsyDelgado SpaceMobile-RIP Blodoxe
Mon/TesMoucheL'Epicèe CapMorganMD BlowHardBoyd WD UptownMcKenna Vibes
SeditiousShana NisshinPalaceBrother ToadDaddy Meera&MeterMan Waxfru NotDoneWell
MarieJesusBravo LJ Alba ElShazli ElHazizTheChaste Sally-OCR BA"Samurai"Rae
CabriniPsychoAss RichYun DCJazzVox MohammedAlien LEEP PEEK Rabi@ChurchTech
TurkeyBoweler KÕnexVeteran-Joed JazzyBoy OwlHowl RŽtabliRetAbi OtakuBowlers
Crackers Scalarinformaticien LiLi"Doit"DesBalles Stew.Z CatManJack Nita&Dennis
PorteClèsParachutiste DerGordomenschFrauDoktorGordoUndKleineHeil InfoComplex
WesterlyMetalstorm Pocohonteuse HelgaSexwax BasilBasil WodkaBoy Tails Mike
e5 Survivalists BoogieDancers Musicians MadMen Digitalists

Big cheers for Mom and Dad who took the paper version to the printer in Michigan, where ink is cheaper than wine.

Paper copies still available. $15 plus postage. Send e-mail to AndyMAn[mailbox]