Big Bong Hick - Mainly music, free dowload of my songs, Mugs Away (protest Iraq) also on a separate page Pandora's Box (9/11 carries on!} + much more personal history.
Musical Uprising - Revolutionary Music Collection
Smiling Foe - We're a punk band from Raleigh, NC who wants to put an end to war. Peace will never be achieved, but lets do the best we fucking can.
New Songs for Peace - This UNESCO-endorsed project is intended to encourage people to think about peace, talk about peace, and write a new song that we will collect and self-publish in a book. These songs will promote peace, cultural acceptance and understanding.
Peace Not War CD - Anti-war music jukebox, international Peace Group Search Engine, and a fundraising resource for peace groups: apply for a donation of Peace Not War CDs, which you can sell to fund your local actions.
Killing in the Name of God - An anti-war song with a passionate plea for peace. Email response to
song at