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Sites 17-24 of 39

Milk money or not, here I come...
  A Canadian thirty-something without the proper sense that would have her keep it to herself.
Liberation Central
  Alternative anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist social justice perspectives.
Hchicha's BloG
  Mon blog, mes coups de coeur et coups de gueule. Algérie, France, Islam, Irak, Palestine, terrorisme, musique .... etc
Peace & Freedom Press
  Site of Peace & Freedom Press, publishers of paperbacks, magazines and booklets, of poetry, prose and art, mostly relating to humanitarian, animal welfare and environmental concerns.
Findhorn West Intentional Community
  A retirement community forming in far West Texas for other old hippies and peace-minded folk, using papercrete domes for inexpensive housing.
Big Big Planet
  Opinions from around the world on events happening around the world. There's enough stupidity here to fill a planet.
POLLY for International Politics
  My Blog and Forum are aimed at stopping the Iraq war and all wars so that there is peace on earth.
i am a donut
  the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings

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