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Sites 9-16 of 22

Acoustic Dad's Place
  Blog of an American expatriate living in Australia. Primary topics include: activism, political dissent, current events, social commentary and progressive politics (Australian and American). Other topics include music and poetry.
  Website devoted to expressionism, home to WOOZradio, and fervently anti-war and anti-Bush idiocy sentiment.
Art for Peace
  Rethinking the "Energy plan"
Rubble Records
  Punk rock against bush. My new comp complete with I hate bush cover.
Savage sound list
  Affiliated with the site www.killthepresident.us, which opposes assassination, generally.
Here's Yer Money
  Ouch Those Monkeys - Say Here's your Money. Solidarity with those who wish that governments, especially America & the UK - were more keen on looking after the people of the World, rather than earning mass profit by killing innocent lives for oil.
Killing in the Name of God
  An anti-war song with a passionate plea for peace. Email response to pmccann_at_austin.rr.com song at http://soundsofaustin.com/killing.htm
Musical Uprising
  Revolutionary Music Collection

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