/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Election Countdown
  Running commentary on future elections, the issues, and the candidates.
The Evil Atheist Page
  Political, social and religious satire. Commentary on the state of the U.S. and our involvement with other countries. An Anti-G.W.B. site.
The Earth Force United Organization
  We focus on peace and anti-war issue, as well as racism, sexism, the environment, world health problems and animal welfare. We offer many ways to put your feelings into action. Information and links to websites to learn about issues that matter to you.
Fatcat Politics
  Torture, Treason, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence... Known by their works... The Republicans 2000 - 2008
  Peace related news, organizations, upcoming events.
  5:46 min. // 17.9 M // Quicktime Una video-protesta por los asesinatos de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez. / A video-demostration about the murders of women in Ciudad Juarez.
Resources antiwar
  Resources antiwar: News on Iraq war, International answer, photos, humour??
  We provide information and links about liberal issues, and an opportunity for outhers to publish their own opinions/works.

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