Ursine Logic - The ramblings and artwork of a crazy old woman who believes in Peace, Nature, the power of Love, and the lessons found in creatures who have fur and abundant love to share with the planet...unconditionally.
Origin of Mothers Day - The original Mother's Day Proclamation was made in 1870. It was written by Julia Ward Howe. Julia Ward Howe is perhaps best known today for having written the words to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" in 1862 when she was an antislavery activist.
semloh here - Personal and family happenings of an anti-war family.
State Of Anarchy - Practical information, commentary and links concerning the Middle East War, Earth Changes, lawless government, and Public Awakening.
ProgressiveAustin - Resources for Progressive Activism in Austin, TX
Online Activism ; Other Personal Activism ; Events
Organization Listings ; Informational Resources ;
Activist Resources ; Contact Information ; ...
It's a Political Scam... - News, Discussion, About, Recommended Reading, Links, Feedback.
Regime Changer.Com Become A Weapon of Mass Dissent - Based in the heartland of the military-industrial heartland: Norfolk VA Beach, RegimeChanger.Com provides a window to alternative views regarding the Bush administration's policy of unilateralism, corporate cronyism and gunboat diplomacy.
The Bush Empire - THE BUSH EMPIRE
How four generations of arms, oil, fascism, and US Govt. defiance made America's First Family