/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Just American
  Links, articles.
Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin
  An attempt to make people aware of the terrible cost of the Iraq War.
A Polyphonic Chronicle
  A site about (net)art and other art projects.
The Experimental Party
  An initiative of the US Department of Art & Technology, the Experimental Party is an artist-based political party,
semloh here
  Personal and family happenings of an anti-war family.
Churchill Bust
  A slow burning campaign, seeking to confront the British Government regarding the loan of a Bust of Winston Churchill to George Bush by Tony Blair shortly after Bush took office. The site takes offence at the Bush/Blair conspiracy to defraud the Britis
Anti war songs
  A large collection of antiwar songs, translated in many languages.
Exposing Secrecy In Government
  Government secrecy,conspiracy, cover-ups, corporate takeovers etc...are just a few of the dangers that we face. Much of what is now shaping America and our daily lives is happening behind closed doors, as our privacy and freedom is slipping away.

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