/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  The only way to effect change is to vote for what you believe, not the lesser of two evils. Protest and make you vote count. Vote third party.
  A psychaotic manifestorium by the premiere Drugly American
  Based on real PsyOP leaflets used by the U.S. military, these reworked leaflets question the legitimacy of super power.
Coalition of the Willing
  Links (and some comments). Focus moves to earlier coalition between Iraq and her later enemies.
Art for Peace
  Rethinking the "Energy plan"
Terra Incognita: The Undiscovered Country
  International perspectives on contemporary culture and politics.
The Earth Force United Organization
  We focus on peace and anti-war issue, as well as racism, sexism, the environment, world health problems and animal welfare. We offer many ways to put your feelings into action. Information and links to websites to learn about issues that matter to you.
Become Active
  Become active - This is YOUR country! Dedicated to building awareness of issues and encouraging activism to reclaim America.

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