/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Election Countdown
  Running commentary on future elections, the issues, and the candidates.
Ollive branch optimism
  Blog about Iraq, Peace, Politics, Wisdom and Emotions. Join me in the struggle against all forms oppressions.
  Images, articles and factoids convey messages of peace and protest.
A house against war
  Easy low-cost initiative for an enduring silent war protest: if you and everyone in your home is opposed to the war in Iraq, register this attitude with a sign outside your door. (German language)
  The web space of Cell a group of Artists that are dedicated to the Anti war movement in New Zealand, includes street theatre, paintings, sculpture, sounds etc
  no war wallpapers,hip hop koints against the war in mp3 format,no war slide show protest signs,no war thoughts,info links, pc fonts with style
  Personal blog made of editorial caricatures by Marc Pageau, caricaturist in Canada. Dark humour at its best!
No Contact Politics
  What is the way? Comment on life, politics and culture from some guy who studied too much history...

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