/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Bloviate; home of the well-reasoned rant
  Ideas on Canadian and International politics, cultural trends, technology, economics, science- and just about anything else worth discussing. A friendly online meme filter with a healthy-dose of spin.
Commission Control
  Draws upon divergent representations of contemporary warfare. Begun before the escalation of war in the Balkans (1999), this site responds to the anti-social imperatives of war industry, and to the relationship between military industries and the media.
Agusto's Website
  Contains essays and arguments from Anti-War supporters. Anti-War Campaign at Virginia Tech.
Resources antiwar
  Resources antiwar: News on Iraq war, International answer, photos, humour??
War Clock Ticking
  Noise against Bush
The Case Against America
  Suggests several reasons why people around the world might be anti-American, lists US brands/companies to boycott, links to anti-war, anti-globalisation and fair trade websites.
Milk money or not, here I come...
  A Canadian thirty-something without the proper sense that would have her keep it to herself.
Ollive branch optimism
  Blog about Iraq, Peace, Politics, Wisdom and Emotions. Join me in the struggle against all forms oppressions.

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