/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Incredible Art Department
  The ultimate visual arts resource for teachers, parents, students, and homeschoolers.
ASCII of Mass Destruction
  An artist's interpretation of Iraqi nuclear research documents released by the U.S. government.
Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Geekiness
  An ASCII webcomic featuring three geek roomies and their escapades. Updated MWF.
  8bit music website, pixel art / ASCII art
Japanese Ascii Art
  Portraits and figure drawings that use ASCII characters as well as some Japanese characters. Note: includes Hentai (adult) imagery.
Ilmari Karonen's ASCII Art & Tools
  A small collection of original ASCII pictures by Ilmari Karonen (itz). Also features ascflip, a tool for rotating and mirroring ASCII pictures.
Nerd Boy
  A daily updated on-line ASCII comic strip.
t2Eservo's Game Cheating Blog
  Information about ASCII art, links, and more, including NFO files.

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