~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bush Sucks Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 9-16 of 29

Dubya Says
  The ORIGINAL and still the best source for George W. Bush Quotes!
  Links, comments, and pictures relating to the demon in the Whitehouse. Bush Sucks US - take it any way you want to.
Bush Sucks
  This site is dedicated to helping people understand why Bush sucks, helping them vent their frustrations, and mobilizing them to action.
The Bush Awareness Report
  News articles that should be on page 1, but are instead ignored by the corporate media.
  A political and social website opposed to Bush and for human and environmental rights and for peace. It includes news, opinions and information.
Register to Vote
  United States citizens, sign up to vote!
Where in the World is Bush
  Presidential watchdog site. Keeps tabs on what Bush is doing and how it is affecting the United States and the world.
Media Matters
  Analysis of media news coverage and its political ramifications.

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