The Twisted Humor of Sheila K. Watkins - Just the beginnings of a humor site including humor aimed at the current administration. (So far only a couple of parodies but I plan on much more.)
Subversive stickers - Annoying politically incorrect stickers mostly depicting George Bush being a dope.
PeeOnW04 - Anti-Bush decals
Don't Blame Me I Voted Kerry - Worried you will be blamed for mistakes of an Administration you don't support? Get Merchandise of Amnesty- Don't Blame Me I Voted Kerry. Political shirts, hat, buttons and bags, who could ask for anything more...except for Bush Free White House
Bin Laden's Bitch - Spread the good words
Burn Bush 2004 - Committee To De-Elect The President - Burn Bush 2004 is committed to the De-Election of our "president", George W. Bush. Here you'll find some of the funniest and most original Anti-Bush and Pro-Kerry t-shirts, bumper stickers, and other merchandise around.
Jingo Calendar - Download this 2005 Jingo Calendar, or order a copy online. It's your daily guide to catastrophic success!
George Bush Quotes Bushisms anti-Bush merchandise - Large list of George W Bush quotes, or Bushisms, plus anti-Bush books and merchandise like anti-Bush posters and refrigerator magnets (good for diets).