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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 25-32 of 48

Red Baron's Blog
  Well there's a fair bit of vitriolic anti-Bush stuff so seems to fit well into this category!
12thharmonic News and Email
  News and Free Email. News headlines from buzzflash, NYT and others. An American and a Brit living in Sydney, Australia. Lots of Links... The future of the planet is at stake.
Resurrecting Critique
  Adventures in politics and critical sociology.
Kerry Doesn't Suck
  An essay/blog on Kerry, Bush and modern US politics. Funny,flippant. passionate and entertaining and completely biased.
The Greengig
  A journal of political firebranding: exposing the deadly lies of the Bush Regime
Why not to Vote for Bush
  Bush screwed up. This site details some of his screwups, such as the Iraq war, record deficits, reneging on the Kyoto Protocols and the ABM Treaty, telling lies and falsehoods to his constituents and to the world, and a variety of others.
NJ Outrage
  A Weblog about Bush's crimes and notes on what to do to get him out.
  Weblog containing correspondence between Kerry campaigners (like me) and Republicanatics who attack us...

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