Chicken out
Bat shit crazy
Crow's feet
Pigeon toed
As the crow flies
Crazy like a fox
Sweat like a pig
Merry as a cricket
Bird brain
Proud as a peacock
Doe eyed
Puppy love
Eagle eyes
Wise as an owl
Ferret out
Watch like a hawk
Red herring
Kangaroo court
Crocodile tears
Meek as a lamb
Rat fink
Sing like a bird
Drink like a fish
Sly as a fox
To badger
Turn turtle
Scaredy cat
Lion's share
Eat like a bird
Busy as a bee
Brave as a lion
The bee's knees
Pig headed
Strong as an ox
Drunk as a skunk
Rare as hens' teeth
Weasel out
Carp about
Play possum
Eager beaver
Dropping like flies
As mad as a March hare
Graceful as a gazelle
Fine as a frog hair
Memory like an elephant
Sneaky as a fox in a hen house
To Lack the sense god gave geese