MATHEMATICS Interactivity, Interface and Internet Mr. Deck Megan Brophy 636-6317 Interfaces for the disabled. A study of different computer interfaces for people with various disabilities. Rhia Bucklin x6539 Investigation into the field of hypertext as a fairly new type of media and form of expression. The creation of a hypertext on hypertext to educate and show what it is. Nicholas DeSpoelberch x6629 Looking into internet security, firewalls and some of their consequences. Hacking and system security, level of security necessary. Possibly learning Linux and more about Unix/Linux security. Frances Duncan x6429 An exploration of advertising rising in new media/the internet.....with attention to schools; advertising within schools via the internet. Elijah Kaufman Art Software: A critique of Western Society Thomas Mintz x6575 Desensitizing Effects of the Internet on Youth. With ever incresing amounts of suggestive and graphic materials easily accessible to today's youth some effect must be evident. Stephen Scardamalia x6599 Corporate Ownership & Control of Media and its Relation to the Internet. The media from which we acquire our news and entertainment are owned and controlled by fewer & fewer massive corporations. This is a study of who owns what, and how the Internet can reverse the centralization and control of information. Suzanne Theberge x6964 Is E-mail Good or Bad? I am studying the sociological implication of e-mail on people of my generation. I am interested in how it changes relationships. Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences Mr. King Jessica Chasnoff x6450 Critical Analysis of an Introductory Economics Text. I am studying the basic principles behind macro-economics. I am interested in this topic because I want to see how current economic theory translates into current trends in economic development. It is important for me to know what math and theory are behind these current and seemingly problematic trends. Serena Clark x6926 Environmental Issues and Mathematical Modeling. A study of the mathematical tools and techniques used to evaluate known data to predict future trends of important environmental indicators. Specifically, patterns of global warming and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will be examined. Jenna Esposito x6841 Pros and Cons of the Electoral College System. A historical analysis of the construction of the electoral college system and a study of modern arguments for and against its abolishment. Jessica Flood x6847 The Interplay of Mathematics and Music. I am exploring the links between the "inner life" of mathematics and music through a study of Edward Rothstein's Emblems of Mind. Both physical and abstract connection are being studied with the goal of understanding how these two seemingly unrelated topics are related. Jennifer Fox x6919 Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. A study and examination of fundamental principles of logic and reasoning underlying mathematics. Kathleen Kavanagh x6360 Knot Theory and Topology. A study of the fundamental ideas and methods in mathematical knot theory and topology. Allyson Kloss Fair Division and Apportionment. An examination of the mathematical topics of fair division and apportionment and examples of applications of the theory for important modern issues. Anna Realini History and Foundations of the Electoral College System. I am looking at the original intentions of the creators of the constitution in developing this system. Next, I will look at critical analysis of the system's relationship to modern politics, popular involvement, and the democratic process. Marisa Schulman Gender Issues in Mathematics. An examination of issues of gender in mathematics and mathematics education. Andrea Soonachan x6721 The Politics and History of Apportionment. My research has focused on mathematical methods of apportionment and division, specifically those used by the US government to apportion congressional seats to populations. I am examining the historical and political contexts of the several debates arisen within the legislature over the choice of method. Linear Algebra: Theory of Matrices and Vector Spaces Mr. King Shifra Burstein x6750 Mathematical Game Theory. A study of the basic ideas of zero-sum and non zero-sum games, optimal strategies, and issues of conflict and cooperation. Anthony Schultz 961-9034 Multivariable Integrals. I am covering all the subjects in a standard text on multivariable integrals including line integrals, surface integrals, Green's theorem and Stoke's theorem.