PHILOSOPHY Philosophy of Religion Ms. Baker Esther Ahn x6714 Religion and the Feminine. Alexander Berman x6372 You and I and Everything in Between. Jenna Braverman x6879 Jewish Mysticism. Jennifer Campbell x 6685 Autobiographical Accounts of Mystical Experience. Jennifer Engelmann x6484 The Mystical Theology of Orthodox Christianity. Beth Farber x6597 Prayer in Jewish Mysticism. Jenny Feuer 914-961-9088 The Concept of "Faith." Elizabeth Grant 212-593-2566 Zen and the Psychotherapeutic Process. Saisha Grayson x6687 Non-religious Versions of the Mystical Path. Ellen Johnson Patterns of Splitting and Projection. Patterns of splitting and projection occur in individual/psychological social/political and intellectual conceptual ways. They are also addressed by the mystic. Christian Lickfett x6827 The Genius and the Mystic - Similarities and Differences Sarah Mann x6867 Art, Life and Mysticism or Mysticism and the Creative Process. Susan Mottet x6760 Secular Versions of Mysticism. Rayburn Odom x6925 Monasticism. Marjorie Sterne x6576 Lying, Self Deception and Splitting. Kathleen Taylor x6396 The Mystical Languages of Unsaying. Deborah White 914-528-4331 Buber's I and Thou. Mind and Language Ms. Baker Deanna Barenboim x6700 The Inner in Philosophy and Anthropology. A look at Wittgenstein's treatment of the "inner-ness" of mental life and its connection to different cultural conceptualizations of the inner. Margaret Day x6865 Being in the Body. Exploring the embodied mind or how it feels to be in the body. Danielle Doiy x2266 The Philosophy of American Sign Language. Study in American Sign Language, how its develpment in the mind of a deaf child parallels or doesn't with other children. Also how ASL functions in understanding language develpment. Wesley Miller x6742 Flies, Schizophrenics, and other Postmodern Subjectivities. An investigation of the "schizophrenic self" of postmodern philosophies, its ties to solipsism, and its connections to culture, capitalism, and history - a Wittgenstinian's look at the language of madness and its use. Tara Passoni x6943 Linguistic Reality. Examining the relation of language to reality, in terms of expression, description and representation. Susan Saba x6783 Wittgenstein and Sociology. For my conference project, I tried to understand Wittgenstein better by looking at his work through the conceptual lenses of a sociological methodology. Marina Vishmidt x6670 Conceptualizing the connections and disparities, as well as refractions, between Derrida and Wittgenstein. George Zamarripa Wittgenstein and Derrida. The Study of Children: Theory and Observation. Ms. Schecter Courtney Biondi x6676 Transgendered/Transsexual Identities. I plan to read transgendered/transsexual individuals' narratives/autobiographies in order to have a better sense about how such individuals develop thier sexuality and self concept despite their marginalization in mainstream American society. Emily Gallagher x6790 The Barbie Doll Syndrome In Preschool Children. A study of the influence of Barbie dolls and Barbie doll play on preschool children's self esteem, body image, and future aspirations. Also an exploration of the validity of Barbie's multiculturalism/racial diversity, career opportunities, financial, social and marital independence. Marissa Harris x6366 Children and Photography. Throughout the year I have been studying issues around children's art and art education. This semester I have been involved in a photography project w/Pre-k children at the Early Childhood Center with a focus on children's perception. James Jack x6735 Intrinsic Motivation and Individuality in Children. I explored the nature of progressive education in theory and practice during first semester by examining A.S. Neill, John Dewey and Jean Harris. I am presently exploring the development of intrinsic motivation through studying Alfie Kahn's work and plan to continue pursuing motivation through practices and the theories behind them. Alison Naschke-Messing x6917 Gender Bending in Preschool Children's Interactions. I am doing a comparison between the stereotypical gender roles that are cited as occurring with boys and girls (ie: aggressive vs. nurturing behavior) and the actual dynamics I observe in the classroom. I am especially interested in how, when, and why the stereotypes are not perpetuated by the children. Melissa Rapoport x6929 Metacommunication in the Scripted Pretend Play of 2-3 yr. Olds. I will explore the role of metacommunication in the pretend play of 2-3 yr. old children at the Early Childhood Center. Lindsay Rogers x6753 Gender Studies in Contemporary Childrens' Literature. This semester I am exploring the role of sex and gender stereotypes as presented in children's books. I plan to use my 3's class at the Early Childhood Center as my basis of research on whether the books actually have an effect on the children's ideas of gender roles. Erin Crawley-Woods x6790 Social Influences on Pretend Play. Second semester is a continuation of my study play last semester in which I explored social aspects, use of objects and imagination in pre-schoolers' make believe/fantasy play. I now hope to look more in depth at social influence (ie. media, parents, etc.) and the role of the social environment in children's play. Hannah Vandercook x2265 Multicultural Education in Theory and Practice. A case study of three different schools, a private school, a Charter school, and a public school and their relationships to multicultural curriculum and education. Gabriel Vaughan x6767 The Bremen Town Students. From telling the story of the "Bremen Town Musicians to acting out and retelling the story with the children, to analysing the video-taped sessions toward an understanding and exploration of children's narratives and the influence of acting and theater. Adrienne Willis x6552 Theater and Education. The role of theatre in a child's education. Using Augusto Boal and his theatre of the oppressed theories and activities. I plan to develop activities for elementary based on his theories. Adolescence and Cultural Identities Ms. Schecter Karen Greenberg x6797 Sisters. I am studying the bonds of sisterhood. I hope to explore the psychological aspects of sisterhood from early childhood to adulthood. Robbin Hawkins 914-963-6211 The Epic Program. A program developed to bring home-school-community together to enhance the life of inner city children. Susan Hoover x6894 Women and Eating Disorders. I hope to consider issues of disowned power, disordered eating as a response to women's oppression and ways of preventing eating disorders. Jessica Joy x6419 Acting, Psychology, and Adolescent Girls. Studying the relationship between acting and psychology and using this comparison to point out psychological themes running through female adolescent characters I have acted. Elsa Loerke 914-668-4411 Male Role Models for Adolescent Boys. I am working in an after school program in the Bronx with boys and studying the importance of male role models when fathers are absent. Kemberly Lynch 914-939-1207 Resilience in Adolescent Females. I'm focusing on individual voice (case studies, stories, etc.) and experience in order to examine the factors that enable young people to find positivity and opportunity in adverse situations. Danielle Reinis x6677 Children in Art. Working at an afterschool program with kids ages 6-15. Teaching art projects, recording their progress in a journal and photographs. Zara Richmond x6476 Sexual Assault in Adolescence. The repercussions of sexual assault in adolescence on socialization. Investigating post-traumatic stress disorder and recovery. Adrienne Wheeler x6538 Inner-City Youth and Violence. A field work position working with urban youth research focused on gang formation within the NYC area. Serena Wong x6558 Adolecents at Risk. I am tutoring in the South Bronx for field work which I will incorporate into readings about adolescents at risk or living in urban areas. Jasmine Zinser x6601 Sylvia Plath. I am researching Sylvia Plath through her poetry and biographies; considering the death of her father and its effect on her life.