/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
ASCII Art by Sebastian St
  A collection of my ASCII Art pictures which I posted in de.alt.rec.ascii-art
  A minimalist ASCII webcomic featuring office and geek humor.
Lorrie's ASCII
  An indexed-by-subject collection of my original ASCII art in html color for viewing pleasure.
ASCII Sandbox
  Random ASCII drawings, including animated GIF and JMOV ASCII movies. It's really a swell little spot, and now with 50% less calories!
David Palmer's ASCII Art
  A collection of original ascii art pictures.
Sherry's Corner
  A collection of my sketches, drawings, and doodles.
My ASCII drawings
  Some original pieces of ascii art created by Michele Cerulli (MC)
My Little Place (Polish language)
  Gallery of ASCII-Art in a weblog form.

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