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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 41-48 of 48

Independent Report
  Mix of news and humor regarding bush.
Once In A Lifetime
  Online Journal
NJ Outrage
  A Weblog about Bush's crimes and notes on what to do to get him out.
Straight-Edge Liberal
  Zebmet is the future.
  Wingnutter Chepooka Rants & Why Liberals Are Better!!
My Liberal World
  This world is all liberal, all the time.
Why not to Vote for Bush
  Bush screwed up. This site details some of his screwups, such as the Iraq war, record deficits, reneging on the Kyoto Protocols and the ABM Treaty, telling lies and falsehoods to his constituents and to the world, and a variety of others.
Garfieldts Blog
  Filled with links to funny and interesting sites, plus a fair deal of anti-bush posts.

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