Extra Padding - A weekly humor magazine featuring "The News!" which generally has at least two stories concerning the farce that is the Bush administration.
The OUTlook - News, opinion, bulletin boards, and information sharing relating to OUT culture. Portland, Oregon, area.
bushsucksdaily.com - I make a video series, "A Daily Reminder To President George W. Bush That He Sucks". I post them on YouTube every weekday (and some weekend days too). I started on May 8, 2007 and will continue until he leaves office or our troops return home from Iraq.
Defeat W - Anti-Bush site with political commentary, forums, and links.
The Free Phoenix - Liberal humor, Political Cartoons, Vital News, anti-bush news.
Xenophontis - Bush depicted as an evildoer of classic proportions.
Bush Campaign 2004 - Bush's policy... in a nutshell...
Fear Bush - George W. Bush is the master of using and manipulating fear to get the wars and policies he wants. Check in with our guest bloggers, the thriving community forum and resources for resisting the fear.