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BUSH bush sucks SUCKS

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Sites 25-32 of 48

Cosmic Iguana
  Dedicated to the proposition that Saddam Hussein and GW Bush are figments of our unconscious minds.
The Greengig
  A journal of political firebranding: exposing the deadly lies of the Bush Regime
The OCD Gen X Liberal
  Politically, I consider myself a far-left liberal who will fight against the right-wing to my dying day.
American Entropy
  Anti-religous right and neocon blog
Dick Cheney is a B--ch
  A huge compilation of grievances, articles and evidence implicating the Veep in all kinds of bad behavior
Why not to Vote for Bush
  Bush screwed up. This site details some of his screwups, such as the Iraq war, record deficits, reneging on the Kyoto Protocols and the ABM Treaty, telling lies and falsehoods to his constituents and to the world, and a variety of others.
  Weblog containing correspondence between Kerry campaigners (like me) and Republicanatics who attack us...
  A little of this, less of that, but mostly those.

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