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Sites 1-8 of 10

Looking forward in American Politics
  Driving the national agenda away from the idiocy of the present will require more effective organizing and journalism, especially through media.
Self-Propelled City
  News and opinion about making cities more green and friendly for self-propellers.
It's Time For a Change!
  It\'s time we put our nation back on the road to democracy. Resources on government and election reform; the difference between liberals, moderates, & conservatives; finding the right party and candidate, and more.
The WISdom Proposal
  A transformation of the user=member intranet experience! This site proposes a world wide consumers' private network that will put consumers in charge of their destiny.
Mothers' Alert
  Mothers' Alert is dedicated to providing: information on the links between increased radiation in the environment and health, opportunities for action on the most pressing environmental threats, information on the technology and science of alt. energy.
Synthesis/Regeneration - A Magazine of Green Social Thought
  Social and political matters of interest to Greens.
Why We Must Act
  Melting icecaps, global warming: time to act.
Global Reform Movement
  A systematic analysis of dysfunction in government, education, and medicine with proposals for change.

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