~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vote Green Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Grass Roots To Green Shoots
  Socio-Political Commentary and Analysis
Tinne Van der Straeten
  Candidate running for the European elections 2004.
Owen Broadhurst for State Representative, Third Hampden District
  This is the website for the Broadhurst Committee, promoting the campaign of Green-Rainbow Party candidate Owen R. Broadhurst for state representative in Massachusetts.
London Greens
  A site committed to Green Values and Vision in London
Westmoreland County Green Party
  The website of the Westmoreland County Green Party, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
   Take the Pledge maintains a website allowing interested parties to pledge their vote to the Green Party presidential candidate in the 2004 election. Through a unique system which allows users to choose the level at which their pledge takes effect.
Progress Green
  Blog about all things Green Party, with other progressive ideas.
Minnesotan for a politics of meaning
  I am a green-leaning independent from Minneapolis. I cover mainly state issues - but also global environmental and nonviolence/antiwar news. I am particularly adamant in getting the extremist Republicans and complacent Democrats out of office.

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