~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vote Green Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
University of Waterloo Campus Greens
  Green club for the University of Waterloo Community
Enter the Waste Land
  This is the personal web site of a socialist community activist poet and critic who believes that we must break out dependence on the one-party corporate system in America.
Minnesotan for a politics of meaning
  I am a green-leaning independent from Minneapolis. I cover mainly state issues - but also global environmental and nonviolence/antiwar news. I am particularly adamant in getting the extremist Republicans and complacent Democrats out of office.
It's Time For a Change!
  It\'s time we put our nation back on the road to democracy. Resources on government and election reform; the difference between liberals, moderates, & conservatives; finding the right party and candidate, and more.
Albert Dibrani Referent Ausländerpolitik / Behindertenpolit
  Bis jetzt wurden diese Aufgabenfelder von den Grünen im Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg etwas vernachlässigt, dabei handelt es sich hierbei um ein zentrales Anliegen der Grünen Partei.
Westmoreland County Green Party
  The website of the Westmoreland County Green Party, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
  Organisation Ina belgium Ho looks for all kind of green seloutions for party's and recycle of used material. Olsow working together with Protos - Oxfam... and all rightshesnis organsations
Tinne Van der Straeten
  Candidate running for the European elections 2004.

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