Graphictruth - An Anti-authoritarian site dealing with truth-telling and dealing with reality on an in-your-face basis. It is therefore Anti-Bush by definition.
Sludge Report - Broken News of the Bush Apocalypse
Issues & Alibis - Home to the worlds best liberal thought and humor. America's favorite non-profit, weekly, liberal newsmagazine!
The Radical Fringe - Back in 2000, Bush refered to people who objected to the Supreme's decision as being part of a Radical Fringe element... So, here we are -- news, 'toons and commentary from the Radical Fringe.
Unembedded - is dedicated to bringing honesty, sanity and logic back into U.S. politics. If you lie, steal, cheat or try to obfuscate or dissemble, you're mine.
Burning Bush - Bush is so unpopular he has to be protected by 6,000 troops for a one night stay in Ireland.
Remove Bush in 2004 - This site is devoted to exposing the deceptions and failures of the Bush Adminsitration. There is a blog and a great deal of useful information.
Garbage House - daily politics, rants, weird links