ok, Ok, OK ALREADY - Auntie Phil's [Whack hard on the head] thoughts about life, liberty and happiness [LISTEN ALREADY WILL YOU] A sarcastic political blog about everything but esp. about Bush.
AmBushed: America under Bush - Humor and satire about America under Bush
The new Iraqi flag - The new design for the Iraqi flag reflects the priorities of the occupiers and shows us once again why Bush sucks!
More Humor From The World Of Suzywoo2 & Suzy's MailTruck! - Various articles, cartoons, bumper stickers, links, as well as serious comments on the Bush regime.
Bruin Design - Dedicated To Regime Change at Home - BruinDesign.com has been ridiculing, lampooning and lambasting the corrupt Bush2 Regime for over two years. Weapons of choice: Photoshop and Flash. Highly irreverent graphics and wonderfully seditious commentary.
The Angry Codger - The main feature is a downloadable new anti-Bush game called Flush-a-Bush.
Bush Sucks - The Bush Sucks mockery that started it all.
Ch!ck@n F*ck#rs. - Gag on these southern fried nuggets.