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Shell Eco Ad Deemed Deceptive A British organization charged with regulating truth in advertising has criticized Shell's advertising about its planned exploitation of tar sands, an unconventional source of petroleum found in great quantity in Alberta, Canada. La pub écologique de Shell jugée «mensongère» Selon l'autorité britannique de régulation de la publicité (ASA), la publicité de Shell utilise le terme «ambigu» de développement durable sans donner «d'éléments qui montrent comment Shell maîtrise concrètement ses émissions de CO2 dans ses projets de sables bitumineux»... (08-14-2008)
Carbon Credit Corruption A Financial Times investigation has uncovered widespread failings in the new markets for greenhouse gases, suggesting some organizations are paying for emissions reductions that do not take place. (04-27-2007)
Walmart Markets Energy Saving Bulbs In a move to improve its image and help the environment, retail giant Walmart is pushing flourescent bulbs as a replacement to wasteful incandescent bulbs. (01-01-2007)
Exxon Pays Half Of Fine For Valdez Spill Exxon-Mobil will no longer have to pay $2.5 billion in punitive damages that were originally assessed for the 11 million gallons of oil it spilled in Alaska. According to an appeals court ruling, the company must now pay only $2.5 billion in punitive damages, down from $5 billion originally awarded. Meanwhile, the main beneficiaries of the money are teeming schools of attorneys and consultants, while the restoration work is going nowhere. (12-22-2006)
US Climate Diplomacy Delusional Despite the country's failure to ratify and adopt the Kyoto Accords, and twenty years of unimproved fuel efficiency from American vehicles, Adam Ereli, a U.S. State Department spokesman claimed that "If you want to talk about global consciousness, I'd say there's one country that is focused on action, that is focused on dialogue, that is focused on cooperation, and that is focused on helping the developing world, and that's the United States." (According to OECD statistics, the U.S. ranking for aid to developing countries is among the lowest when national income is factored.) (12-10-2005)
Few Talking About Greenwashing While articles about other topics relating to the environment appear periodically, the topic of greenwashing seems to get very little coverage. (05-11-2005)

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  Last modified December 04, 2004, at 04:45 PM EST  © Transnational Temps
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