A 269 Piece State of the Net Collection
@@PLUG/@@ @@@( )@@@ @( )@ @@@) (@@@ @( )@ @@@( )@@@ INVENTORY
If dizzyingly diverse content packs more power to please,
PLUG / INVENTORY pursues the theoretical limits of pleasure in online
experience. Leveraging the latest in cool media options,
PLUG / INVENTORY is a constantly adapting work that depends on
every available technology.
While the sites favored by many connoisseurs require just three
or four plugins, PLUG / INVENTORY requires all plugins for a full
appreciation of its novelty.
As the collection coordinator, it is my sincere hope that this
smorgasbord of Web content blows your mind without crashing your
Originally by Deck from Artcontext Wire on December 31, 2002, 11:00pm