The Surge Cycle

Surge Cycle

Surge Cycle is the second in a series begun in 2002 by artist Andy Deck. The first installment, Hypno Techno, evoked the powerlessness of the public to dissuade the U.S. government from embarking on an era of preemptive invasions. Surge Cycle takes aim at the dubious claims of progress being made by those who advance invasion and military occupation as solutions for evil. In both cases the gestures of the animated figures suggest a frantic miscommunication – warnings and messages going unheeded.

A new work at Artcontext

VIDA Redux

Nell Tenhaaf summarizes the best the VIDA competition, including an early work from Transnational Temps.

From Spain, Novus Extinctus (2001, VIDA 4.0) by Transnational Temps (Andy Deck, Fred Adam and Verónica Perales), is an Internet artwork whose central message is that the expansion of human presence on the World Wide Web, measured via the number of domain names registered daily, climbs in a deadly parallel with the number of species that go extinct. The site has a strong element of marketing spoof as well, linking Latin species names to commercial sites such as TigerDirect that use the names of exotic animals. Source

Andy Deck


I finally decided to figure out where the site housed projects of its artists. It was here where I ran across Andy Deck. He has been using the internet to create work since 1994. I was hoping to see his Retrospective show, but the link for it had been deleted. After looking through a little more I was able to find some of his projects. It was the description for Bardcode that intrigued me. Andy talks about how the music industry and Sony started blocking the download of music and the copying of movies. This limited the “free speech” of computer languages.

Originally by Stewart from AVT 280 on March 4, 2008, 8:00pm

Aquanode 2006


This website documents Aquanode ‘06 events in western Turkey, near Bodrum. It features photographs and audio from the August, 2006 art events at the site of the ancient city of Myndos, now sunken below sea level. Transnational Temps traveled to this sea-level challenged city to find out what people are thinking about global environmental change.

Originally by Deck from Artcontext Wire on December 2, 2006, 1:12pm