CBS Conceals Ignorant McCain Comments In a move that telegraphs the editorial ambitions of CBS News, Katie Couric's interview with McCain regarding the 'surge' in Iraq was sanitized to conceal McCain's embarrassing misunderstanding of the sequence of events in Iraq in 2006 and 2007. Taken together with Joe Lieberman's correction of McCain's repeated claims that Iran trains al Qaeda militants, the omitted error in the Couric interview paints a picture of a candidate who doesn't really know much about what's going on in the Middle East. (07-24-2008) Fifty Permanent Bases Sought In Iraq While the New York Times reports that the United States ambassador to Iraq has dismissed any suggestion that the Bush administration is maneuvering to set up permanent military bases in Iraq, the British paper The Independent reports otherwise. (06-06-2008) Probe of Media Generals Sought The secret, unacknowledged coordination between the Pentagon and the purportedly independent spokesmen, as reported by the New York Times, has been smothered with silence by the news chiefs and on-air hosts at CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS. The media has failed to come to terms with the way it was manipulated. Media organizations are supposed to be skeptical of authority, and evenhanded in their approach to public policy issues. This story illustrates how badly they fail in these functions. (05-09-2008) Obama Won Texas Despite Spin To The Contrary Since the Texas primary and caucus, misinformation about the results has been prevalent in mass media news and commentary. Although the official results were strangely slow in appearing after the Texas caucus, it became clear within the first week that Obama actually won more delegates. Despite this, cable news programs have continued to spread the lie that Clinton won Texas. (03-19-2008) Halliburton Avoids Taxes Via Cayman Islands Shell Corporation Kellogg Brown and Root, the nation's top Iraq war contractor and until last year a subsidiary of Halliburton Corp., has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies based in this tropical tax haven. (03-17-2008) On Walmart Board Clinton A Company Woman In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers. (01-31-2008) Iraq Refugees Not Our Problem As Whitehouse propaganda and uncritical corporate news organs chirp about the great progress in Iraq, it goes almost unmentioned that 2007 was the deadliest year of the war for American troops, and millions of Iraqi civilians continue to pay an enormous price for the hubris of Bush administration policies. (01-28-2008) Obama Opposed War While Clinton Supported It The record from October 2002 shows that there were major differences between the two presidential contenders, with Senator Clinton supporting the Bush push for war and its exaggerated claims about alleged Iraqi military prowess while Obama was opposing a U.S. invasion of that oil-rich country and openly challenging exaggerated claims of an Iraqi threat. (01-22-2008) |
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