Health Care Reform Victimized By Greed Despite the Obama administration's appeal for a government run alternative to corporate healthcare insurance, the lobbyists have descended on the house and senate, pushing the legislation in directions that the insurance and drug companies will like more than the poor and uninsured. (08-13-2009) Health Care Insurance Industry Whistleblower Speaks Wendell Potter, who worked for twenty years in the health insurance industry,speaks about how the large insurance companies are standing in the way of health care reform. (08-08-2009) AntiWar404 Since the start of the World Wide Web thousands of anti-war and pro-peace projects have already come and gone. Now GetPeaceful presents a first-ever collection of its kind documenting the traces of anti-war movements that have disappeared. Contemporary search engines have a tendency to make dead websites disappear quietly. AntiWar404 counteracts some of the resulting amnesia, offering a concise record of the peace movement forgotten by Google. (05-20-2009) |
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