Spill » Forward review

Spill » Forward

The aesthetic and conceptual competence of the artistic responses to the environmental and human crises of the oil spills in Spill >> Forward make the case for art still being a relevant and capable answer to society’s need to make sense of unfolding events. Art can still provide a much-needed space for reflection, and Spill >> Forward creates just such a space in a very contemporary way. Continue…

Unleashed Devices at Watermans

… Andy Deck’s video ‘©-hold Control!’ unveils the usually hidden ASCII graphics, drawings made out of alphabet letters, contained in shared files. In the exhibition visitors can deliberately adjust the video stream’s flow with a knob as desired. On the net, however, peer-to-peer file sharing is not as free anymore, increasingly controlled either by laws or by the introduction of fees.

© - Hold Control

Andy Deck’s © – Hold Control

Spill » Forward reseña

En Afterpop, Eloy Fernández Porta investiga muchas derivas posmodernas. Hay implícitos estudios de género, contragénero, postcolonialismo, …, y aunque en menor extensión, también hay eco-arte. El autor afirma: “La dinámica consumista es una pulsión, tan económica como libidinal, que erotiza los objetos o aún nos convierte en ellos: nos consume. A los problemas filosóficos démosles respuestas toon […] Parafraseando la célebre idea lacaniana sobre las relaciones entre objeto y sujeto, cabría decir: ¿Ves esta lata en el supermercado? Ella te consume a ti”[1].

En la exposición Spill Forward celebrada en New York hemos dado respuestas toon, pero puesto que corremos el peligro de no ser tomados en serio, no tenemos más remedio que aparentar la alta cultura que esperan de nosotros.
¿Les parece poco importante el derrame descontrolado de petróleo por una explotación privada que perjudica directa y de modo inmediato el bien común? Más…

AntiWar404: Movement not found?

Since the start of the World Wide Web thousands of anti-war and pro-peace projects have already come and gone. Now GetPeaceful.org presents a first-ever collection of its kind documenting the traces of anti-war movements that have disappeared among the sponsored links, spams, and twittering machines of today’s infoverse.

Contemporary search engines have a tendency to make dead websites disappear quietly. AntiWar404 counteracts some of the resulting amnesia. It offers a concise record of the peace movement forgotten by Google, resurrecting pages and pages of war resistance that you won’t find in your search engine results. Peace documents re-found!